This is a complete list of my publications. Articles link to DOIs and I have provided links to PDFs where available, but please feel free to contact me for an author copy of the others. My Google Schoolar profile is here and Pubmed author search is here.
Feld GB, Bergmann TO, Alizadeh-Asfestani M, Stuke V, Wriede J-P, Soekadar S, & Born J (accepted). Specific changes in sleep oscillations after blocking human metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in the absence of altered memory function. J Psychopharmacol.
Schredl M, Schackert M, Feld GB, & Schilling C (2021). Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung von schlafbezogenen Metakognitionen: Deutsche Kurzform des MCQ-I. Somnologie.
Kolibius LD, Born J, & Feld GB (2021). Vast amounts of encoded items nullify but do not reverse the effect of sleep on declarative memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 607070.
Feld GB, Diekelmann S (2020). Building the bridge: outlining steps towards an applied sleep and memory research. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(6), 554-562.
Feld, G. B., & Born, J. (2020). Neurochemical mechanisms for memory processing during sleep: basic findings in humans and neuropsychiatric implications. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(1), 31-44. [Link]
Asfestani, M. A., Brechtmann, V., Santiago, J., Born, J., & Feld, G. B. (2019). Consolidation of reward memory during sleep does not require dopaminergic activation. bioRxiv, 703132. [Link]
Alizadeh Asfestani M., Braganza E., Schwidetzky J., Santiago J., Soekadar S., Born J. & Feld G. B. (2018). Overnight memory consolidation facilitates rather than interferes with new learning of similar materials – a study probing NMDA-receptors, Neuropsychopharmacology doi:10.1038/s41386-018-0139-0 [Author Link]
Spetter M. S., Feld G. B., Thienel M., Preissl H., Hege M. A., Hallschmid M. (2018). Oxytocin curbs calorie intake via food-specific increases in the activity of brain areas that process reward and establish cognitive control. Scientific Reports 8(1): 2736. [Link] [PDF]
Asfestani, M. A., Braganza, E., Schwidetzky, J., Santiago, J. C., Soekadar, S. R., Born, J., & Feld, G. B. (2017). Overnight memory consolidation facilitates rather than interferes with new learning of similar materials-a study probing NMDA-receptors. bioRxiv, 206771. [Link][PDF] – now published in Neuropsychopharmacology see above
Feld, G. B., & Born, J. (2017). Sculpting memory during sleep: concurrent consolidation and forgetting. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 44, 20-27. [Link] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., Weis, P. P., & Born, J. (2016). The limited capacity of sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Frontiers in psychology, 7. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., & Hallschmid, M. (2016). Verleihung des Silvia-King-Preises 2016: Der Einfluss akuter zentralnervöser Insulingabe auf Schlaf, Gedächtnis und Hormonsystem. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel, 11(05), 357-360. [Link]
Feld, G. B., Wilhem, I., Benedict, C., Rüdel, B., Klameth, C., Born, J., & Hallschmid, M. (2016). Central nervous insulin signaling in sleep-associated memory formation and neuroendocrine regulation. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(6), 1540-1550. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Kirsch, P., Kübler, A., Feld, G. B., & Quednow, B. B. (2016). Widersteht der Abgrenzung–Für eine Einheit in der Vielfalt. Psycholologische Rundschau, 67, 1-3.
Feld, G. B., & Born, J. (2015). Exploiting sleep to modify bad attitudes. Science, 348(6238), 971-972. [Link] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., & Diekelmann, S. (2015). Sleep smart—optimizing sleep for declarative learning and memory. Frontiers in psychology, 6. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., Besedovsky, L., Kaida, K., Münte, T. F., & Born, J. (2014). Dopamine D2-like receptor activation wipes out preferential consolidation of high over low reward memories during human sleep. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(10), 2310-2320. [Link] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., Lange, T., Gais, S., & Born, J. (2013). Sleep-dependent declarative memory consolidation—unaffected after blocking NMDA or AMPA receptors but enhanced by NMDA coagonist D-cycloserine. Neuropsychopharmacology, 38(13), 2688-2697. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., Wilhelm, I., Ma, Y., Groch, S., Binkofski, F., Mölle, M., & Born, J. (2013). Slow wave sleep induced by GABA agonist tiagabine fails to benefit memory consolidation. Sleep, 36(9), 1317-1326. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Born, J., & Feld, G. B. (2012). Sleep to upscale, sleep to downscale: balancing homeostasis and plasticity. Neuron, 75(6), 933-935. [Link] [PDF] [Pubmed]
Feld, G. B., & Born, J. (2012). Sleep EEG rhythms and system consolidation of memory. Sleep and Brain Activity, 187-226. [Link]
Feld, G. B., Specht, M., & Gamer, M. (2010). Differential electrodermal and phasic heart rate responses to personally relevant information: Comparing sleep and wakefulness. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 8(1), 72-78. [Link]